Our Schools
Our Trust currently consists of 10 schools based in the Medway and Kent area (5 Secondaries, 5 Primaries) educating approximately 7000 students and employing over 900 staff. Being in a tight geographical area means we know our area well and means we are aware of, and work tirelessly in a co-operative manner, to both minimise the pressures and strains that local children experience and maximise the potential they all have for great success. Collaboration through our ethos of 'One Vision, One Trust, One Family of School Inspiring Outstanding Learning' is crucial to our success.
Each part of the Trust works collaboratively in sharing ideas and best practice and in generating new opportunities for staff and students. New technologies enable this collaboration to work effectively with schools further from afield.
Our Primaries
Our Secondaries
Our Sixth Forms
We provide education for over 800 Sixth Form students across 4 Sixth Forms with over 25 subjects on offer. If you are considering your options once you have finished your GCSEs and are interested in a place in one our Sixth Forms, please click on the links to find out more:

Join the

We welcome conversation with Schools and small Multi-Academy Trusts about exploring opportunities to work together for mutual benefit or towards becoming part of the Beyond Schools Trust. Here are just some of the reasons to join us:
We will support schools to maintain their creative autonomy, while fully leveraging the mutual benefits of working as a family of schools with principles of alignment that benefit students. Collaboration is at the heart our Trust and is summarised in our Ethos:
One Vision, One Trust, One Family of Schools Inspiring Outstanding Learning
School Improvement Support
We have a strong Trust Improvement Team covering the entire range from Year R to Sixth Form. The team’s primary responsibility is to lead the Trust Peer Review quality assurance process which supports the ongoing improvements in the curriculum. The team have dedicated specialists in English and Maths and is overseen by our Quality of Education Lead. They draw upon our very best subject specialists across the Trust to support and advise our curriculum teams and improve teaching practices as well as contributing to Trust-wide professional development.

Strong Governance
High quality governance is central to the future success of the Trust. The Trust’s governance structure is based upon clear lines of responsibility and delegation to encourage effective communication, monitoring and alignment with the Trust Strategic Plan. We always aim to listen carefully to our local governors and we support them to be the best they can be. Part of our work to support strong governance is to provide quality assurance information to local governance so they can hold the school to account.
Central Support
We have an extensive range of central support services that will allow school leaders to get on with running their schools, allowing the Trust to take care of the ‘heavy-lifting’. This support includes finance, procurement, payroll, estates development and human resources. Our support for each school is unique and dynamic which ensures each school in our Trust get's the support they need while retaining their own unique character.
Contact Paula Mallion to arrange a discussion with the CEO or one of the executive team if you are seeking school improvement support or are interested in finding out more about being part of the Trust.

Lettings across our sites
Our Trust now comprises of 10 schools and there are many facilities which the community can hire from us.
Please click on the links below for our range of lettings at the following schools: